Welcome to the Dissimulation Exposed blog. Dissimulation Exposed will serve as a place to collect, organize and record my thoughts. Often, but not always, those thoughts will be related to Al-Taqiyya, Islam, violent jihad and dhimmitude. Occasionally, I will write about other political, philosophical or nonsensical subjects. Hopefully, I can also help to educate readers regarding the threat that orthodox Islam poses to Western Civilization.
NB: Islam has noble practitioners. Even some Mujahideen were noble men -- Ahmed Shah Massoud comes immediately to mind. No one is perfect, but his case helps to illustrate that men can interpret the tenets of Islam in an unorthodox -- and moral -- manner. Unfortunately, it seems that a large number of the world's Muslim population instead prefer to emulate men like Osama bin Laden and Zarqawi.
NB: Islam has noble practitioners. Even some Mujahideen were noble men -- Ahmed Shah Massoud comes immediately to mind. No one is perfect, but his case helps to illustrate that men can interpret the tenets of Islam in an unorthodox -- and moral -- manner. Unfortunately, it seems that a large number of the world's Muslim population instead prefer to emulate men like Osama bin Laden and Zarqawi.
If you're so interested in exposing dissimulation, then how come you have not mentioned one example of Glenn Beck's many blatant demonstrations of hypocrisy?
You seem far less interested in dissimulation than you are in perpetuating Islamophobia.
The Glenn Beck Review, at 7:06 AM
This is a blog primarily about the Islamic phenomenons of al-Taqiyya and violent jihad.
I'm not certain how Glenn Beck's supposed hypocrisy factors into that. Are you saying Glenn is a closet Muslim in addition to "asking" whether he is a closeted homosexual?
onceuponapriori, at 10:06 AM
No, I just don't believe that you're all that concerned about exposing dissimulation.
You seem to have a problem with a liberal asking questions about Beck, a self-proclaimed "principles and values guy" who may be having an affair.
If you turn blind eyes toward the most glaring example of dissimulation in America today, then maybe you should rename your blog: The Islamophobe.
The Glenn Beck Review, at 5:46 AM
"No, I just don't believe that you're all that concerned about exposing dissimulation."
I didn't say I was interested in exposing every incident or example of dissimulation on this blog. Plenty of people are doing a good job of that, for many disparate topics. For example, you dedicate your blog ENTIRELY to exposing the supposed deceit of one man. Does the fact that you haven't listed every single inaccuracy ever spoken by any liberal commentator, or our liberal President, make you a dishonest man, incapable of honestly assessing Glenn Beck's statements? You can answer that for yourself, but I am going to take a guess that you'll answer "no." So the fact that I don't mention every person on the planet's inaccuracies supports the hypothesis that I am lying (as you imply), exactly as much as the similar situation on your blog supports the hypothesis that you are lying. So just how much evidence is it?
"You seem to have a problem with a liberal asking questions about Beck, a self-proclaimed "principles and values guy" who may be having an affair."
I don't have a problem with a liberal asking questions about Beck. There are many blogs on the internet where liberals ask questions about Glenn Beck. I'm almost certain (though I suppose I might have forgotten one), that you won't find my comments on ANY of those. What I took a modicum of offense to was an author writing that he had knowledge of skeletons in SOMEONE'S (really anyone's) closet, but that his oh-so-precious ethics prevented him from exposing those skeletons. This author did so in a very self-congratulatory and sarcastic manner, comparing themselves favorably with Beck, who by implication presumably lacks such ethics. Then, a few months later, when the time is ripe for a breaking story because the Big Pundits were discussing whether Beck was a furry, you appeared to abandon those ethics, the same ethics that you were waving about so proudly.
That's what it looked like to me, and that's what I took offense to. A particular instance of what looked like smug hypocrisy, that I happened to bump into while reading another blog post. So I chose to comment on it.
"If you turn blind eyes toward the most glaring example of dissimulation in America today, then maybe you should rename your blog: The Islamophobe."
Thank you for the advice, but I'll pass. I think the posts on this blog do a reasonable job of highlighting particular instances where jihadists and their supporters engage in al Taqiyya. The blog is named in light of that. Note that the direct translation of "al Taqiyya", an accepted concept in Islamic jurisprudence, is dissimulation. I didn't just pick it out of thin air ;-]
I'm also not interested in making people afraid of Muslims. I want to expose instances where al Taqiyya or ignorance of Jihadist theory in general leads to poor policy decisions, or poor moral choices.
So your proposed name change would serve to confuse readers, and is therefore considered poor. But thanks again for insinuating that I'm both a liar and bigoted. :-]
onceuponapriori, at 11:47 PM
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